Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Amy Jane Quotes Funny Movies While Placing At 2-Gun National Championship

Amy Jane Quotes Funny Movies While Placing At 2-Gun National ChampionshipWe are sure you know somebody in your life that is a family member or possibly just a co-worker that has developed a strange set of interests or a hobby that seems weird or unfitting to their over all personality. Well how about this one, our beloved subject of every post, Amy Jane, in addition to being a badass competitive shooter (and wicked accurate at that), also loves comedies.


No, we aren’t talking cheesy Meg Ryan type romantic comedies either. Amy Jane, the gorgeous model, likes the stuff that makes most of us men fall on the floor laughing; as in Will Ferrell comedies. Not only that but she has a photographic memory, and can quote any movie she has ever seen at will.


So at the 2-Gun National Championship this past weekend (where our girl actually placed in the open division), she added to the challenge of the already trying sport by challenging her teammates and fellow contestants to quote a move when running between stages. Take a look at some of the Instagram outtakes we have embedded below.






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